Samstag, 27.07.2024 10:11 Uhr

Venice, Piazza San Marco in celebration for the 12 Marie

Verantwortlicher Autor: Mario Bonesi Italy-Venice, 14.02.2023, 19:57 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Mario Bonesi Bericht 9216x gelesen
Piazza San Marco Marie of Venice 2023
Piazza San Marco Marie of Venice 2023  Bild: Mario Bonesi

Italy-Venice [ENA] The Carnival of Venice 2023 enters the heart of the event. In Piazza San Marco, on Saturday 11, with the official presentation of the 12 chosen Maries, the event par excellence of the lagoon city, a world tourist destination, got underway in full swing

The beautiful women, having arrived in Piazza San Marco, with a large crowd, after a long gondola "walk" along the Grand Canal, accompanied by the inseparable Maria Grazia Bortolato and Prince Maurizio, presented themselves one by one on the stage, welcomed with cheers from a special occasion crowd. Numerous masks and photographers - video maker to remember the best moments.

Masks in St. Mark's Square

Let's review in detail who are the 12 chosen Maries of the Venice Carnival 2023: Elisa Bermani, twenty year old from Venice, teacher. Giulia Polselli, 18 years old from Oriago di Mira, student. Giulia Caramel, 24 years old from Carpenedo, student. Sara Barbiero, 26 years old from Zelarino, nurse. Agata Scarpa, 24 years old from Chirignago, student. Caterina Minach, 20 years old from Mestre, student. Laura Libbi, 18 years old from Camponogara, student. Lavinia Malerba, 19 years old from Lido di Venezia, tour leader. Martina Codolo, 19 years old from Sant'Erasmo, student. Beatrice Raffael, 23 years old, Venetian, student. Giorgia Boldrin 19 years old from Marcon, aspiring actress and Matilde Grandesso, 20 years old from Favaro Veneto, student

The 12 Maries will have, until the end of the Carnival, a rich notebook of appointments. In the next few days they will compete for the title of Mary of the Year 2023 by animating palaces, parties in Venice, Mestre and the islands. they will parade through streets, squares and in gondolas dressed in sixteenth-century sartorial suits from the Pietro Longhi Atelier. which since 2013 has been creating the costumes of the 12 girls, an authentic symbol of the Venice Carnival. In addition to the 12 chosen Maries, the two bridesmaids Veronica Boscolo and Mariam Gargiulo will also join them for some events.

The proclamation of Mary of the year and that dedicated to the "Gazzettino di Venezia" will take place on the evening of Monday 20 February in the halls of the Teatro la Fenice, one of the historical symbols of Venice. With "GidiferroFashion" and Elena Costantino, we went to Piazza San Marco to make a special (which we offer in Italian) on the presentation of the Maries. Here the link:

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