Samstag, 27.07.2024 06:04 Uhr

Bubbles in Villa 2023, the sixth edition is a record

Verantwortlicher Autor: Mario Bonesi Italy, 07.05.2023, 16:35 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Mario Bonesi Bericht 10741x gelesen
Bubbles in Villa 2023, the sixth edition
Bubbles in Villa 2023, the sixth edition  Bild: Mario Bonesi

Italy [ENA] Record of exhibitors and visitors at Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala – Venice, for the 6th edition of “Bolle in Villa”. The review closes with record numbers for everything concerning DOC wines and high quality sparkling wines produced for refined tastes.

The event, conceived and coordinated by the well-known international Sommelier Vanni Berna and his staff, has been a meeting point not only for wines but also for the food and wine that accompanies this kind of drink for 6 years now. “In this sixth edition – says Vanni – we had more than 100 exhibitors and visitors from over 18 Italian regions and various European countries in the Villa, with products of the highest quality. We are already working on the 2024 edition”.

The wine kermesse held on 1 and 2 April, with specially designed itineraries inside Villa Farsetti, is dedicated above all to "Wine Lovers", to bubbly enthusiasts, but also to "insiders". A high-quality review of sparkling wines and wines produced in Italy and Europe. With our Beatrice, we went to Villa Farsetti on Saturday 1st April, to collect the various opinions of the exhibitors, meeting consolidated Italian and foreign companies which produce and export excellent quality wines and sparkling wines.

Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala – Venice

There was no shortage of interventions by those who, with their stands, were present with food to give a touch of class with their delicacies to the various "vine" products on display. The video that we offer (Italian language) was made in Villa Farsetti, on April 1st, the opening day. As far as we and those who visited "Bubbles in Villa" were concerned, the feeling was that of being immersed in a sort of "walk" through the most renowned places where the best sparkling wines in the world are created and produced. Links:

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