Samstag, 27.07.2024 09:50 Uhr

10th Prize Cinema Leone di Vetro 2023, Avanspettacolo - VE

Verantwortlicher Autor: Mario Bonesi Italy-Venice, 22.09.2023, 18:38 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Mario Bonesi Bericht 8810x gelesen
Avanspettacolo - Venezia
Avanspettacolo - Venezia  Bild: Mario Bonesi

Italy-Venice [ENA] The gran galà for the prize “Leone di Vetro” took place on Friday 8th September, on the 10th edition this year. The international event, that was created ten years ago by the entrepeneur Mauro Furlan, took place at Avanspettacolo, Malcontenta - Venezia.

To welcome the prestigious guests on the red carpet, undiscussed stars of italian contemporary cinema, Mario Furlan, the beautiful girls of “Miss Aurora 2023” and “Miss Little Princess 2023” that, for the occasion, were wearing some beautiful Avanspettacolo’s high fashion dresses. The final prizes were given by the splendid Beatrice Gelain, “Miss Aurora” in charge, and Giorgia Mondi, newly elected “Miss Little Princess”. Another protagonist was our Giulia Urbinati, of “GidiferroTeam”, that, for the occasion, had replaced the “MT Eventi Venezia” of Manola Tabacco’s collaborator, handing over on stage, at the beginning of the evening, some Leoni di Vetro, plaques and flowers.

On this Avanspettacolo’s 10th event, supporter by Regione Veneto, Comune di Venezia, ENIT - National Turism Agency and UNPLI - National Union Pro Loco of Italy, Treviso, Vicenza and Polesine’s Film Comminssion, were given the prestigious prizes to: “800 Giorni” by Dennis Dellai, “The Swarm” by Alessandro Passadore with best film production, Francesco Patierno with best production, Violante Placido with best actress for “Improvvisamente Natale”, Paolo Pierobon with best actor for “Welcome Venice”, Michele Foresta with best non-protagonist actor for “Improvvisamente Natale”, Giorgia Lorenzato and Manuel Zarpellon with the Docufilm “Marmolada”.

Francesco Moser with the Docufilm “Una vita per lo sport”, Franco Puppato and Dona’ Delle Rose with the Docufilm “Doge’s Tailor”. Special prize Award for the career for production and photography for Daniele Ciprì. For the 10th edition of Premio Cinema Veneto Leone di Vetro that had placed concurrently with Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, a special guest the actress Violante Placido.

The very pleasant evening opened with the reception of the guests which was followed by the gala dinner and the "Gran Magic Show" which ended with the award ceremony of the various characters who, the jury chaired by the actor Fabio Testi, he had chosen. For the occasion we were invited to the evening and we took some photos and produced a film which we propose to you in Italian. Connection:

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